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Keystone is in a prime location. Just across the street is the North WalMart, with postal services and a pharmacy, and a block away is the Northern Lights Shopping Center with many convenient businesses such as a nail salon, bank, eye care center, and chiropractic office.  North Grand Mall, which contains a variety of shopping, restaurants, and a cinema, is just a block away. All of this is within 3 minutes of the Keystone! A little further down the road is the beautiful Ada Hayden Heritage Park and a golf course to enjoy with family or pets.  There are CyRide stops nearby, or if you qualify, the HIRTA bus can shuttle you to and from your specific destinations.

Reiman Gardens

Reiman Gardens

Great Harvest Bread

Great Harvest Bread

Stephens Auditorium

Stephens Auditorium

Iowa State University

Iowa State University

Walk to Walmart

Walk to Walmart

Downtown Ames

Downtown Ames

Provisions Lot F

Provisions Lot F

Ames Farmers Market

Ames Farmers Market

Ada Hayden Heratige Park

Ada Hayden Heratige Park

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Newbury Management Company d/b/a Newbury Living is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  Newbury Living is a licensed broker in the state of Iowa.


Keystone Apartments does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its federally assisted programs and activities. 


© 2020 Newbury Living

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